
Showing posts from February, 2020

How To Enjoy Anything?

Finally writing something for my blog after a while, its been quite a while now but at least this time I am going to write something helpful for the public or that is what I feel like. Today’s topic is something that I have learned in the past 12 months, after watching a lot of youtube video and reading a quite a few books. Don’t worry its not something very complicated its quite easy to understand and I am sure most of you already know this or maybe you don’t either way reading this entire thing will strengthen your believe in the phenomenon. So here’s the secret to enjoy anything you do you will need to enter the flow state and I am quite sure by now you have heard about it somewhere or another even if you haven’t heard about it you have experienced it quite a lot in your own life. A big example of it is during exams when you are writing you don’t even realize but almost every time you have attempted a serious exam you have tapped onto the flow state, a state where time p...