I missed writing my blog yesterday thus kinda breaking my 3 blog streak lol, not a lot of people wait for it so I guess… I shouldn’t have missed it will try not to repeat it again *smirk emoji Unicode 11*

This is kinda a cringy example driven sorta motivational blog I guess, the idea of which struck me like 15 mins ago while I was taking my evening bath after workout and it foes like ...
If you are a fish in a small pond of water then you should not focus on your size.
No matter how big you get in your small pond, you will still be small when you go to the ocean.
So instead of focusing on your size you should rather focus on your skills, and gain new skills which makes you more versatile.

Yeah sure getting big in size in your small pond will make you look more attractive and you might end up in the ocean faster but it wouldn’t matter once you enter the big game.
You need to develop yourself completely and not just in size.

Since this too small for a blog article so I am going to expand it by giving an awful real-life explanation XD

Suppose you have a meme page on lets sat a social media website and you really want to grow and make that your goal of life. So what I would suggest wrt the above example is that you should make unique stuffs by learning new skills and give it your best, instead of making the same usual shit and growing in terms on followers yeah sure you will get a ton of followers but that wont really make you happy in the long term. So instead of chasing followers chase skills. Make the best out of what you got.

Be consistent with your hard work and not growth. Focus on the process not the goal.


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