How To Enjoy Anything?

Finally writing something for my blog after a while, its been quite a while now but at least this time I am going to write something helpful for the public or that is what I feel like.
Today’s topic is something that I have learned in the past 12 months, after watching a lot of youtube video and reading a quite a few books. Don’t worry its not something very complicated its quite easy to understand and I am sure most of you already know this or maybe you don’t either way reading this entire thing will strengthen your believe in the phenomenon.

So here’s the secret to enjoy anything you do you will need to enter the flow state and I am quite sure by now you have heard about it somewhere or another even if you haven’t heard about it you have experienced it quite a lot in your own life.
A big example of it is during exams when you are writing you don’t even realize but almost every time you have attempted a serious exam you have tapped onto the flow state, a state where time passes faster and we perform at my optimal level and give all our energy to that certain task without getting distracted,
In short the phenomenon is called flow and its the secret to enjoyment.
whenever we enter the state of flow we not only become more efficient at what we are doing but we also start having fun, we have evolved to have fun that way so there is no denying the fact that you don’t feel good when you enter flow state. To know more about the state of flow I recommend you read flow by mihaly Csikszentmihalyi [affiliate link]. I am currently reading this book and this blog is somewhat inspired from it.

Now comes the question when and how do we enter flow ?

You can enjoy anything that you want by entering flow but to enter flow you must be familiar with what you are dealing. Like if you are an musician you will most definetly enter flow when practising music the same applies for gymnast,athletes, video editors, readers, writers, poets and even people at art exhibition who are just starring at the paintings*
Just like how we all have different taste buds and enjoy different kind of foods similarly we enter flow differently for different task.
// We do a quite a lot of things in our daily life and we often don’t realize but some of the task that we do are more fun than others, if you are an epic gamer you will find gaming easier and more fun compared to something else like say planking for 30 seconds. // why is it so ? like I have said before its our past commitments, experiences and habits that make something more flow inducing.
It isn’t our genetics that decide which activities are more enjoyable or not but our past experiences and habits.
But genetics/biology does play a part in deciding if an individual can enter flow state or not people with schizophrenia have difficulty entering flow

The most important factor which decides how much we enjoy a certain task is our past experience and practise with that task/habit, people who enjoy reading books did not certainly started enjoying the first time they held a book, flow requires investment of energy psychic energy to be more precise. You will need to put your time and effort in a particular task at first if you want to enjoy that.
For the most part of my life I have believed people who work hard will be successful and now I don’t believe  in that anymore  now I believe that people who work hard will enjoy that particular task more in life.
Investment of energy doesn’t guarantee any success but it guarantees enjoyment out of that particular thing. And this can be applied to almost anything say for example I have recently started playing piano and I practise regularly now I will slowly start enjoy playing it everyday and get good at it atleast from my perspective but does that mean I will be expert piano player one day ? No way! And that is how we should approach most things in life when we invest our energy on something we should be confident with that fact that its going to get more and more enjoyable but that doesn’t mean that it will last forever.
Time to time we have to change the things that we love to do and it should happen naturally after a certain amount of time it might no longer be that fun how it once was and it is because “evolution” but we can always try out different things.
Since mastering a task requires lot of psychic energy in our single life time we can only master a few handful task as mastering something takes a life time. But that doesn’t mean we cannot enjoy different things we can always expand our radius of knowledge and enjoy many task. However don’t think of mastering everything.
Bonus Tip on finding what we are passionate about:
if you are someone in college or high school and are confused about what to do in life, well then lemme tell you the possibilities are endless if you apply this thinking of flow in your life you can learn to enjoy almost anything and get fun out of anything even studies, studying in itself is a very fun process but the way school and society forces us into it, makes it look boring. Parents see it as a form of struggle which kids need to do in order to succeed in life lmao dummies kek.
Its nothing like that in fact it can be fun if done correctly maybe I will a blog on it later but for now coming back to my main topic of finding passion, so you will need to experiment with a few things that you think you might enjoy and see which you like more since you all are all grown up so I am assuming you have spent you life doing something and not just simply sitting idle, look at your life and see what are the things that have excited you what topics you have liked finding common things and experiment with that watch about it on youtube or something and find out what you like, you can even start journaling and find it out it sounds like a lot of tricky work but it isn’t. I don’t wanna stretch this anymore I will write a blog on it later maybe.

So in conclusion if you wanna start enjoying anything start investing you energy in it and be consistent with it. Do it less but be regular and slowly you will start enjoying it.
Best of luck see you next week maybe 😳

Misc. segment | why you should read a book ?
I grew up reading quotes like “ do what you love “ and tbh I have always contradicted over rated quotes in my head lol but some of them have really deep meanings behind them which we don’t always understand and I am glad ever since I have started reading I have got to understand a lot of them and I am saying this because I want yall to start reading more, you might think you are not a reading person and that you cant read big books but trust me when I say if you can read my bad blogs you can definitely read a book too, last year I read around 9 books and I only started reading late of spring last year. Before that in my entire life I had only read like 3 book like most teenagers I believed books weren’t my thing but it only took a bit of dedication in the beginning, some positive brainwashing by watching youtube videos, and a bit of psychic energy to get started and here I am writing about the advantages of reading lol.
so if you have made your mind that you wana get started with reading I will recommend a few books in my amazon shop linked here.


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