How did the 14 days digital detox go ?

Lmao cant believe i haven't browsed instagram and facebook for the last 14days honestly i didn't even miss them ok maybe i did once or twice and mostly, it was just the old trigger where i used to click on the spots where instagram was kept in my phone only to find it empty, and i liked it, the fact that i don't have to give myself constant dose of overwhelming stream of useless information.

I know i said earlier that i will update you peeps in between how my detox was going but there wasn't anything to update about it was all the same, i needed more time, oh btw my exams got cancelled in between because of NRC and CAB stuff, exam was one of the main reason behind social media detox so when it got postponed i felt like i should go back to insta but didn't really feel like going back.

I would have continued this digital detox thing for 14 more days if it wasn't for my insta page, i have to put up a year rewind video by end of this month and for that i will need access to facebook and instagram for research purposes, and also to put up the video and promote it on insta too.

ok so that was about it i guess, I sometimes feel like deleting my page and focusing on different thigns in life. Things would have been so much better if i didn't have this instagram page to care about, but then again without that page maybe i wouldn't be writing this right now, things would have been so much different but that's a topic for some other day ok bye 


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